Welcome, fellow lover of authentic beauty and worldly adventures!

As a successful self-made professional, you know what it takes to achieve your dreams and enjoy the fruits of your labour. You’re unapologetic about living life to the fullest, whether that’s through jet-setting to new destinations or curating your home and office spaces to reflect your unique point of view, achievements and sense of style.

That’s where we come in. Our design firm is dedicated to creating spaces that embody the same feeling you get when walking into your favorite, undiscovered boutique hotels from around the world. We’re all about capturing the essence of those breathtaking moments and translating them into your everyday surroundings.

We understand that your busy lifestyle demands a space that’s not only beautiful but functional too. That’s why our team of experts, led by my unique professional background and experience, is dedicated to addressing your pain points and enhancing your life through design.


  1. Interdisciplinary Expertise: With backgrounds in engineering, architecture, and interior design, our team combines diverse expertise to redefine your space. This interdisciplinary approach ensures a comprehensive and harmonious design from the ground up.

  2. Vintage meets Modern: We seamlessly blend vintage and modern finishes, furnishings, and art to create captivating, layered spaces that tell a unique story and evoke emotion.

  3. Sustainable and Ethical: Our commitment to sustainable design means using eco-friendly and responsibly sourced materials and products, reducing our environmental impact while delivering exceptional aesthetics.

  4. Custom Furniture: Collaborating with local artisans and craftsmen, we create bespoke, one-of-a-kind pieces that cater to your specific needs, adding an exclusive touch to your space.

  5. Playful Scale, Colour, and Texture: We love to push boundaries and play with scale, colour, and texture. By embracing bold choices and unexpected combinations, we create visually dynamic and engaging spaces that captivate the senses.

  6. Balance of Elegance and Tension: Our designs strike a delicate balance between elegance and tension. We believe that incorporating tension in design adds an element of intrigue and energy, while elegance brings a refined and sophisticated touch. The interplay of these elements creates captivating and harmonious environments.

Experience the transformative power of purposeful design. Let us redefine your space with our interdisciplinary expertise, blending vintage and modern elements, sustainability, customization, and functionality. Elevate your environment with us!



  • Because you want your space to reflect your unique personality and style, not just current design trends.
  • Because you value sustainability and want to incorporate eco-friendly design elements into your space without sacrificing style or quality.
  • Because you desire a space that is functional and organized, without compromising on aesthetics.
  • Because you are looking for an interdisciplinary design firm that can seamlessly integrate engineering, environmental design, interior design, and landscape design.
  • Because you want to work with a team that listens to your needs and creates a personalized design plan that exceeds your expectations and the status quo.



Before diving into the project details, we believe in fostering a strong rapport with our potential clients. That’s why our first step is a 20-minute, complimentary phone call. Designing a home is a labor of love and can be deeply personal, so this call allows us to get to know each other and build a connection.

During this call, we’ll:

  • Engage in conversation to understand your vision and goals.
  • Discuss your unique requirements and preferences.
  • Answer any initial questions you may have about our process and services.
  • Explore how we can collaborate to bring your dream home to life.

Building a connection is the first step toward a successful partnership. Let’s start the journey together with a complimentary phone call, where we can get acquainted and lay the foundation for an exceptional design experience.


To ensure a tailored and personalized approach, we kindly ask you to complete our fun and interactive design questionnaire before our discover call. This questionnaire is essential as it provides us with vital information about your project, including your ideal timelines, budget, and personal style.

In the questionnaire, you’ll have the opportunity to:

  1. Share your ideal timelines: Let us know your preferred project timeframe, allowing us to align our services with your schedule.

  2. Define your budget: Provide us with insights into your budget range, enabling us to tailor our recommendations accordingly.

  3. Express your personal style: Share your design preferences, inspirations, and any specific elements that resonate with you. This helps us understand your unique aesthetic vision.

  4. Upload inspiration images and site plans: Visuals are powerful tools in conveying your vision. You can upload inspiration images and site plans to provide us with a deeper understanding of your desired outcome.

By completing our interactive design questionnaire, you’re empowering us to create a personalized approach for your project.


In our 60-minute information-filled session, we’ll work closely with the main decision-makers to understand your needs and provide valuable insights for your project’s feasibility. Here’s what you can expect:

  1. Reviewing questionnaire responses: We’ll delve into the details you’ve provided, ensuring we have a comprehensive understanding of your vision.

  2. Home walkthrough or site plan review: By touring your home or reviewing site plans, we’ll gather essential information to guide our recommendations.

  3. On-the-spot advice: Receive immediate guidance on materials, floor plans, furniture, color schemes, and artwork, helping you make informed decisions.

  4. Design process and service overview: We’ll provide an overview of our comprehensive design process and service offerings, giving you a glimpse into how we can serve you best in the long term.

Investment: The cost for this initial appointment is $500 (before tax), an invaluable investment toward unlocking your vision.

Experience a collaborative and insightful design consultation, setting the foundation for a successful project. 


Expect a Strategic Plan within 3 Business Days of Your Design Consultation!

At our design consultation, we’ll dive deep into your project to understand your needs and aspirations. Within just 3 business days, we’ll provide you with a comprehensive Strategic Plan that outlines how we can best serve you. Here’s what you can anticipate receiving:

  1. Outlined scope of work: We’ll carefully outline the scope of work required for your project, ensuring that all aspects are captured and aligned with your vision.

  2. Timelines and a meeting schedule: We’ll present you with proposed timelines to keep the project on track. Additionally, we’ll provide a meeting schedule, allowing us to plan ahead collaborate efficiently.

  3. Lump sum design fees: To offer full transparency, we’ll present you with a clear breakdown of our lump sum design fees. You’ll have a comprehensive understanding of the investment required for our services.

  4. Terms and conditions: We value open communication, and our Strategic Plan will include our terms and conditions. These details ensure that both parties are on the same page.

  5. Contract for signature: To formalize our collaboration, we’ll provide you with a contract for signature. This contract solidifies our commitment to bringing your vision to life and outlines the agreed-upon terms for the project.

Our goal is to provide you with a Strategic Plan that empowers you to make informed decisions and move forward confidently. With our comprehensive outline, clear timelines, transparent fees, and a contract in place.



Embarking on a new build or renovation is like shopping for a car without knowing the price. Just as the salesperson needs details like (make, model, year, colour, package, etc.) to provide a meaningful estimate, you need real numbers and a strategic plan in order to determine if you’re ready to start the project. It’s a tricky proposition to enter into a contract before these items have been mapped out in detail.

That’s why we offer the Exploratory Agreement – a straightforward way to assess the financial aspects of your project and eliminate uncertainties before diving in fully.

We understand the common concerns you may have:

  • Uncertainty about the investment required: You want to know the approximate cost before you commit. Our Exploratory Agreement provides a high-level exploration to determine the estimated investment needed to build, renovate, and furnish your home or business.

  • Capital planning: Unsure of how much money you’ll need from the sale of your property? With our process, you’ll gain a clearer understanding of the financial resources required before making any commitments.

  • Fear of unexpected costs: No one wants to be stuck with a bill higher than anticipated. Our Exploratory agreement helps minimize surprises and ensures you’re well-informed about potential expenses, so you won’t feel pressured to absorb additional costs or abandon the project.

By initiating an Exploratory Agreement, you can take the first step toward a successful project. Once complete, there’s no pressure to move forward; you can take a pause and use the main deliverables to plan and save for your project down the road! 

  • Get a detailed budget for construction + labor  
  • Get a detailed budget for materials
  • Get a detailed budget for furniture
  • All in one package

Say goodbye to uncertainty and hello to a well-planned, stress-free project!


When it comes to new builds or renovations, our full-service design package has got you covered. We believe in leaving no stone unturned and providing you with a comprehensive suite of services to bring your vision to life. 

With our full-service design package, you can trust that every aspect of your project is meticulously handled by our experienced team.


  • Detailed scope of work: We’ll work closely with you to create a detailed scope of work, ensuring that every aspect of your project is covered and nothing is left to chance.

  • Detailed timelines: We understand the importance of staying on schedule. That’s why we provide you with detailed timelines, keeping you informed about the project’s progress every step of the way.

  • Lump sum design fees: No hidden costs or surprises. Our transparent pricing structure offers you lump sum design fees, providing clarity and peace of mind.

  • Concept boards and samples: Visualizing your dream space is essential. Our design team will curate concept boards and provide samples, allowing you to see and feel the materials and finishes that will bring your vision to life.

  • 3D renderings and virtual tours: Take a virtual tour of your future space before construction even begins. Our 3D renderings and interactive tours provide a realistic representation, helping you visualize the end result and make informed design decisions.

  • Construction drawings for permits: We’ll provide detailed construction drawings that meet the necessary permit requirements, ensuring a smooth approval process.

  • Client portal to approve selections: Transparency is key. With our interactive client portal, you’ll have a clear breakdown of the materials and their associated costs, empowering you to make informed choices within your budget.

  • QAQC during construction: Our commitment to quality extends beyond the design phase. We’ll conduct quality assurance and quality control during construction to ensure that the work is executed to the highest standards.

  • White glove furniture delivery and decor: Once the construction is complete, we’ll handle the final touches. Our white-glove furniture delivery and decor service ensures that your space is beautifully furnished, curated, and ready to be enjoyed.

From initial concept to final delivery, we’re dedicated to bringing your vision to life and creating a space that exceeds your expectations.